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pork chop Β· 5mo

hi lydia, do you have any tips on how to remove fake nails so it can be used again? i got fake nails before but i couldn't remove it without ruining the fake nails and it made me sad πŸ˜žπŸ’”

p.s i reaaaally love all the nails that you've designed, they're all so pretty πŸ₯ΉπŸ’–

hiiii if you want to reuse your nails i really recommend using sticky tabs instead of glue or just using a veryyy slight amount of glue. if so, soaking in some warm water with a bit of soap and oil will usually work to get them off while not causing any damage to the press ons. i hope this works for you! and thank you hehe i appreciate it πŸ’–

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