Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Beloved Anonymous · 14d

my two scents ttg keramean rps hari2 ini is that someone gasuka sama shipper nikhoon jadi dia terrorize para rps/author2 dg ngatain seolah dia side fans nikhun biar yg disasar muak dan malah ngerasa gmn gitu ke ship nkhn🤷‍♀️ whatever their reason is just u know non youre so lame get a life yg penting hoonreun jaya

kalo bnr, it’s so pathetic. gak bnr pun it’s still pathetic. i mean, knp repot2 bgt ngurusin kesenangan org lain? and yap, in the end of the day HOONREUN JAYA

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