Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

poopsie · 8mo

pre-4.0 I genuinely thought L*ney was actually gonna be a baby butch girl and I was living for it (even if I was hoping the design would get changed) but now I can't stand him

Not just bc he's a fugly dude, but ever since 4.0 dialogue explicitly stated that he's the reason we don't get Lynette screentime bc he speaks for her, I been a hater
The problem gets worse over time too, L*ney showing up in random SQs as their representative, & sometimes characters don't have an About Lynette voiceline, just a L*ney

HELP??? I don't go here at all but I can appreciate a good gnshn man hate rant (esp him I hate his design) but wow,, I hope he disappears and lynette takes over both roles

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