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nick simp · 7d

Just finished 006. Thank you so much. I love you. Thank you.

nick simp · 8d

aww this is so sweet ;3; i'm gonna cry lol. thank you so much, i love this story a lot and it makes me very happy to see others feel that way too.

yeah, mop... that is ending in 2-3 chapters as well, so maybe you should hold out until it's finished EHEHEH >:3c ALSO !!! i've been itching to write lost boys so bad !!! once i'm done with mop i'll give lost boys a little polish and finally finish it as well !!! <3

thank you so much for the sweetness in my inbox :3 i hope to produce more cool stuff in the future !

nick simp · 11d

hi new bestie (this is the same person who is using ur retrospring as your dms <3) the new MOP update destroyed me but i have faith in the laws of love and fanfiction that we will persevere!!! we can do it guys don’t lose hope!!! ok ok i promise i’ll stop flooding ur asks now hdhxjexjejxh have a good day i love you 🫶🏻

nick simp · 14d

hello i have to go to sleep for work but i’m choosing to use ur retrospring Q&A like i’m DMing you like we’re friends- there’s this song i like by the Marias called Echo and there’s a line in it that goes “miss the warmth of your neck when i knew you the best, im yours” and that really gives me Nick’s ereri if you know what i mean? mad compliments to the chef in simpler words. i love you and your content as always, have an amazing night Nick! <3

AWWWWW THIS IS SO CUTE ;3; thank you so much, i give u noogie and kiss on top of da head. you made me v happy today !!! :3 AAAAAA

nick simp · 15d

me cheesing rn: :D

i will write a few 006 oneshots... that may or may not be canon... and one of them includes eren softlaunching his own porn career... [runs away]

nick simp · 1mo

Don’t listen to that anon, kill them, kill then both. Give them a tragic ending fitting for their characters and for snk. Make it hurt good <3

nick simp · 1mo

Pls dont kill eren in MOP 😭😭😭😭😭

i can only say one thing. out of the 10+ endings i have planned, it's neither or both.

do with it what you please. :^)

nick simp · 1mo

“I feel his heartbeat against my chest, rapid and strong, mirroring my own. Because there’s nothing to resist anymore, my hands slide up to cup his face, pulling him closer, and he responds with a low, guttural sound that pretty much decides my fate there and then, which is, yeah, just this, and never anything else.”


nick simp · 1mo

hi nick! thanks for the 006 update, first of all but mainly- do you like creepypastas? do you have any favorites if you do?

no problemo brother :3

yes! i really like consuming anything unsettling tbh. i have a pretty decent watchtime on creepypasta/lost media/etc iceberg videos on yewchube + growing up my mom would stay up late with me and we'd watch horror flicks one after another. unfortunately i'm not always good with names, and since i am usually almost disappointed when a creepypasta isn't at least 50% real, i tend to forget omg. i do remember one i can name - it was called "third parent"

anyway..................i 'm a creep :3......................... i'm a weirdo :3........................

nick simp · 1mo

[cries like a small kitten]

it's so sweet to hear that someone is this excited about 006 omg..... u3u.... thank you so much. this is all making me feel like jelly. i still do this stuff years later and try to improve because of messages like these. if there is ever a time i feel genuinely happy and proud of myself, it's rn. wah. wah. [warbled noise]

i hug u. thank you so much

nick simp · 1mo

I imagine 006 eren with longish hair (kinda like paths but wavy with some sidebangs) and he wears a sanrio sweatband during practice…….

yes! i always imagine his hair as the type of cut every guy has in his "hot" stage, but perpetual, more commonly known as "my barber died". definitely has a lil wave, could pop a curl if he actually took care of it....

you cooked with the sanrio sweatband. my headcanon is that he wears a plastic ben 10 watch on his wrist. he's had it since he was a kid and had to change the rubber straps because he outgrew it - but only physically... :3

nick simp · 1mo

i’m soooooo obsessed with 006 it’s unhealthy!!! the dynamic between eren and levi is my fave out of any fic

no it's healthy actually :3 my doctor said an 006 a day keeps the depression away :3

nick simp · 1mo

MOP & 006 updates so close to each other… making out w u thru my screen btw

nick simp · 1mo

okay weird question but i just realized i’ve always imagined 006 eren to look like tony ozkan (in case you don’t know who that is, look him up on tiktok rather than google) and idk if you’ve got like an image in your head of what 006 eren looks like but if you do,,could you perhaps confirm or deny it?

i'd say no you're really spot on with tony actually! the 006 pinterest board is like an amalgamation of "the vibe", but i haven't made an eren pick because i have yet to stumble upon the perfect one lol. in the super early days, it was kick-ass era aaron taylor-johnson, and at some point i was deep enough in the delusion to see him in noah centineo (LMAOOOOO...) but nothing definite yet :3

nick simp · 1mo

I handed in my final university dissertation two hours ago and now check AO3 and ???? what do I see???? NEW 006! End of degree partying comes later, it's time for cosy hours with 006 and hot chocolate.

I literally thought weeks ago hey if Nick posts on my hand in date I might actually cry and look 😭😭

hi i love you back :3

congratulations!!! please party though, scholar achievements are to be celebrated >:3 i'm glad we telepathically communicated that i must post today.......... enjoy !!!

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