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royal guard · 1mo

How would a blunt rotation with your favorite lck players go

Dndn is probably the worst person to smoke with because when you leave the room to get snacks hes setting up his phone and putting it in a random area of the room to play spooky noises when u come back to make u paranoid Hmmm I think paduck and setab are glued together the entire time I dont think they're yaoi but they have a very secure friendship in my head like stan and kyle from south park Speaking of south park I think paduck would love it.. Anyway They just sit and talk to each other bc its comfortable... Sylvie refuses to smoke because he is worried about his boyfriend [fisher] getting bullied by the other idiot near them [dndn] so he just watches and observes. fisher chokes on his first time and his coughing fit is so bad he has a sore throat for the next few days :(

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