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little seagull · 6mo

How do you feel about Evanatsu reversal? Like Natsuhi finding confidence to take control while Eva finds comfort in passive behaviour.

i'm definitely not against it, as we see multiple times Natsuhi tries to take on more of a leader role and Eva is surprisingly very vulnerable when alone with certain people. I know i tend to lean a lot more towards Eva being the more dominant one in the relationship, but both of them are very complex women who are multi-layered and their dynamic can be played with in various different ways and still be very "in character", that's part of why i love them so much. Topsuhi is definitely something i've been enjoying a bit more lately, and after a certain while in the "relationship", i could definitely see Eva being more willing to let down her walls and give up some of the control, while at the same time Natsuhi finds a bit more self confidence to take it in the first place.

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