✚ 𖦹﹕beryl ໒꒰՞ ܸ. .ܸ՞꒱ა · 3 answers · 15d

can someone give me a REALLY DETAILED recap of what's been happing w/ herb bc all i know is they're kinda weird?? (idk herbs pronouns, I didn't mean to misgender if I have!!)

So basically he deleted his account due to backlash over him calling himself a f*mb*y (which is a slur for trans women AND a term that fetishizes trans women as it originated from "adult sites" ifyk what I mean.

After deleting his account he decided to move to a site specifically for trans women?? Despite being a cis man which is odd. He could've left it at that but no, he decided to attack Lucy and @shore through anon, even getting his friend to do the same and make sexual remarks about @shore even tho @shore is 15.

I had them reached out to him and told him to stop and leave them alone because it was obsessive atp which led to him mocking my name sachi, spelling it seichi (he then lied and said apparently that was my name on another social which it's not I've never gone by that) he purposely called me a 'lady' even though I'm transmasc and the SAME AGE as him (probably younger as I've recently turned 16) and used she/her pronouns on me MULTIPLE TIMES even after finding out those were NOT my pronouns. (Not helping his transphobic allegations) However I did ignore this.

He then went on to use she/her pronouns on sis (@reliquary) even tho sis is uncomfortable with those pronouns and only lets specific people use them on him! This is where I kind of snapped as sis makes it quite clear he is a boy and uses he/they. However herbs excuse is that he saw me call him 'sis' and that apparently sis should be 'consistent' ?? Like it's giving "pronouns=gender!!" Atp I just told herb to fuck off and said I know 2 of his socials, made a callout post on him and just simply told everyone to ignore him. And now herb thinks I'm a stalker even tho Idgaf about a lowlife like him.

So yeah herb is a loser and I hope he dies in a ditch. (Sorry if this isn't too detailed it's kinda rushed)

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