ᛝ 。  scy ’’ · 6 answers · 3d

"ppl thinking this is srs is killing me"


Well sorry that I struggle to understand sarcasm irl!! Online it's so much harder too. I struggle with sarcasm due to my autism?? So like idk what you want me to do? Even if it was fake/rage bait I still don't get it.. why would you post something that makes you look like a bad person just for fun?? "Oh yeah people are going to think I'm a freak!! This is my definition of fun!" Like no.. please go touch grass..

i don't get bait that much sorry world.... i understand wanting attention but perhaps there are better ways to do that 🐋

i think its easier to post copypastas like that on other socials like twitter idk how to explain it

I'm not even dxed w/ autism I just assume everything to be completely serious by default cuz I'm a bit of a dimwit LMAOO. but yeah I get what you mean. like I'm sorry your joke SUCKED...!! be funnier

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