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lil owlet · 1y

hi <3 hope you're doing well! love your fics so much! i know you haven't written about them yourself but you seem to like deftker, so i wanted to ask what's your favorite deftker dynamic(s), can be platonic or romantic or both dfjhsdgl

dfhsdlkjdh oh! hello!! tysm for enjoying my fics! this is funny if i really had to choose between all the faker pairings i'd pick fakenut, but i digress. deftker is cool! i think my favorite deftker dynamic, whether it's platonic or romantic, is bickering deftker. bickering deftker but they secretly grudgingly care just a bit. reluctant friends. you get the gist! i think the way i write deft and faker in my faker demon king fic speaks for itself haha. tysm for reading my fics and leaving a question <3

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