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Silly Anon · 6mo

hey, i want to apologize,, you dont know me at all cause i have you blocked but i think i might be the reason you are being harassed. i genuinely never expected anything like that to happen. my main icks were you publicly shitting on emic and calling us delusional. as someone who IS actually delusional, that is VERY harmful. its even more hurtful whenever i have a delusion that causes me to believe that i am mic, and in my memories as him, me and aizawa have a very healthy relationship. you are allowed to hate a ship!! but maybe, if you dont want backlash, keep it to yourself? or talk about it on a priv account? some people find a lot of comfort in erasermic, so its very upsetting to see someone be so hateful over it. again, im sorry for possibly causing all of this. i pride myself on being a kind person, and to say this without trauma dumping on a stranger, i spiraled last night over realizing what i had done. im so sorry for everything.

So here is admission for being at fault for the harassment the last time 3 months ago so thank you for that but it's sad it happened again yesterday. Anyways this is about an old thread where I addressed Aizawa and Yamada's relationship from my pov after someone on tiktok got mad over an Aizawa cosplayer not enjoying Emic- started out how cosplayers don't owe anyone anything (as a cosplayer myself) and then moved into again how I view Emic. Didn't target anyone or anything, posted on my own account. Intended to be screaming into the void. The way I assessed them was mildly misinterpreted and spun by the people who found the post, claiming I said Yamada and Aizawa hate each other and also that I was fucking stupid. I started getting threats etc. Over a thread (which is now deleted btw bc of how bad the harassment was getting) that essentially word for word said: "Hizashi and Shouta can't stand each other generally enough to actually be in a functional relationship. My problem with Emic aside from the shippers who harass you, are the ones who interpret it to be a healthy perfect relationship that wildly twists their canonical interactions and personalities from what they actually are. And this type of behavior to wildly switch them around and make far reaches to justify it is delusional. I don't like mischaracterization at all, that's my problem." (Shortened) It just blew out of water and like I said got so bad I had to take a break, somewhat proving the point I was trying to make. I understand people find comfort in most things in fandoms, especially pairings, however if that's the case then it shouldn't be a double standard. People can like what they like and dislike what they dislike. Harassment is never okay and erasermic fans tendencies of rudely commenting on posts of pairings that involve Shouta or Hizashi with different people with stuff like "what about erasermic" + borderline hate like "gross where's mic" etc. is just annoying. Freedom to dislike and like things but evaluation really needs to be done with the emic fandom and how you guys handle backlash because I am not the first and definitely not the last to receive the level of harassing over silly things. Especially after yesterday and knowing this is from the same person who sent things into a spiral again even though I never publicly outed them in a post that was again, wildly misinterpreted. So thank you for this apology from three months ago, however I wish it would have stuck because it's sent me into another dark place. These characters are not real but the direct harassment, threats, and insults you guys send people are. Thank you.

PS. I was apologized to again in DMS/through ops account posts which I appreciate deeply, I haven't had the energy to respond to that yet but I will when I'm okay again. I've had to take a few days off work due to all this + personal issues. I want to better respond directly when I'm in the right head space but thank you again for apologizing yesterday as well for the more recent events and I wish things didn't progress the way they did.

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