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anon · 3mo

I need more interactions between Silverwolf and Firefly omg... Like the contrast of Silverwolf being so with the times and Firefly who's slowly integrating into society, imagine all the times where SW's shown her a video game and explaining all the controls and FF is so into it not just because of the game but because she's experiencing life UGH

i’m so curious about firefly’s integration into the current day bc a lot of my hcs involve kafka being the one to show her a lot of things at first and it’s different when silver wolf joins bc she’s younger and has civilian interests that firefly would’ve missed out on so their friendship gives her a way to explore life uniquely from the things kafka introduced her to. it’d be really interesting to see them spending more time playing games together and learning more about firefly’s preferences and i think a lot about silver wolf’s line saying what firefly’s life would be like as a video game bc it makes me wonder if there are certain games firefly feels uncomfortable with and if they ever remind her of her past while there are others that are actually very comforting, perhaps bc of a lack of violence or maybe even something as small as the simplicity of the controls. i also think it’s interesting from silver wolf’s perspective too bc she didn’t have any close relationships with her peers growing up so i can imagine she uses characters from and genres of various media to understand those around her and seeing firefly’s life as a “high-difficulty, single-player, action/speedrun” is part of how she empathizes with her

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