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Ivy · 13d

I think caiyi being a basic looking foxian is what attracted yukong to her and i think her going on dates with xuiki reinforces that ideal that Yukong would rather settle down with someone who is more basic looking. I do think there has been enough time for her to be able to let go of caiyi and grow a bigger relationship with xuiki. So my question is what kind of dates do you think Yukong and Xuiki would go on? For me i think they'd have those zoo/aquarium dates and yukong would suprise her with new dresses. I could see that also Qingni and Xuiki would grow close during this time and Xuiki would become close and qingni would either see Xuiki as a friend or a 3rd mother.. I find the dynamic with Yukongs new partners and qingni intresting because ik hyv would never devolp it because it's 2 npcs and a 4* who has barley any attention onto her.

i may not be the best person to answer this question bc i’ve always seen xuiki as someone yukong tried to date at one point but the relationship became a very close friendship instead so i believe she’s an important part of yukong’s life, encourages her to take time away from work and build a relationship with qingni, and they spend time together, whether it’s going on walks, eating out, going shopping, both for fun and necessities, and running errands for/with each other, but i don’t see it being romantic in the current day. i think she’d have a close relationship with qingni too, perhaps comparable to a family friend or aunt, and i can see xuiki being someone both yukong and qingni confide in and she encourages them to find some common ground whenever things get tense. unfortunately i doubt the relationships between the three of them will get much more development but i’m sure yukong will continue to be relevant as the helm master so at the very least we’ll see more of and learn more about her which i’m looking forward to!

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