Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

 anya / SUNNY  · 9 answers · 10d

Hi gang so . somebody is writing a callout on me and I am writing a detailed response

I most certainly should have not posted those sui attempts and should have kept them to myself , but I was panicking and was not thinking straight.

About not being Japanese - Yes , I look whiter , this is due to half of my family being from Scotland and of the Hamilton. The other half is Japanese And Jewish , and I don't think it's fair to say things like that without knowing my family history . I agree I look whiter , so I do accept that misconception .

Your points are acceptable and I'm not trying to start trouble , just trying to clear things up. Please contact me on discord (BPDmorga) to help further things out and not drag my mutuals into this.

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