Anon · 1y

Pizzahead and peppino in a relationship are competitive. like they have cartoon fight cloud sex and wrestle in bed or covered in oil, and they bite each other for fun. the one thing pizzahead can't get back at peppino for is cooking, because hes absolutely terrible at helping pep out in the kitchen except for eating what he makes

Yes to all of this. I think them trying to have cartoon fight sex oiled up is so funny their arms are slipping all over each other, the dust clears and suddenly a hand is up someones ass, or a cock in mouth when they try to change positions. I'm not sure how sweaty hairy it4li4n man tastes to p1z but he's gotta get back at him for all the taste testing he does. Also yeah his ass can't cook. I think p3p would prefer p1z eating smth actual sustainable even though p1z is annoying, no way is microwaved bread soaked in hot dog water going to be allowed.

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