Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 3y

THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR TERUSHOS THAT IS PERFECT YES I LOVE THEM EXACTLY LIKE THAT TOO the more timid and ultimately not as skilled but still very caring senpai does it for me and when the kouhai gets into trouble, the kouhai would bark 'it's dangerous!! stand back!!' [1/2]

and then the senpai brute forces trying to protect them in any little way they can bc 'let me have this okay?? i'm technically still your senpai! i have to protect you!!' but you can see through their smile they're absolutely pushing theirselves to their limit just to be able to pull that off ;_; [2/2]

FUCKUFKGKG ANON!!!!!!!! EXACTLY!!!!!!!!! IT'S SUCH CHILDISH CLUMSY LOVE BUT THEY CARE FOR EACH OTHER SO MUCH!!!!!!! and when it's all over and they get to somewhere safe senpai still tries to push themselves to patch them both up and kouhai is telling them to relax, they're hurt too, I wouldn't want you to be hurt any further if you stress yourself out T_T and I want them to just. lean on each other's shoulders holding hands resting before returning to the base camp hrhrghghhgrg

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