Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous fish · 12mo

T1lv33 who's compliments to each other are special bc it's from them. T1n4 has a hard time believing anyone when they compliment her and usually shrinks in on herself or deflects the compliment, but when Sy1v33 compliments her T1n4 believes her, and instead of making herself small she makes herself bigger, her posture straightening and her shoulders going back, bc if Sy1v33 thinks that about her it must be true. For Sy1v33, she doesn't really care what people think of her, compliments don't do much for her. She sees more value in actions rather than words. But when T1n4 gushes over her or calls her cute or pretty or smart or talented, Sy1v33 goes bright red and struggles to speak for the next five minutes at least, so flustered from T1n4's admiration and affection -🫐

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