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Coconaaberry · 6mo

Hii! 🙂
"Opinions about Feixiao x Jiaoqiu? I know you prefer her with Lingsha, they're lovely. But seeing Jiaoqiu so focused on healing his general was endearing hehe

two asks on feixiao and jiaoqiu, haha. i cannot quite place it yet, but i think there is more to it than simply healing the general. not saying his love for her is a facade, but that there is definitely an ominous undertone to it. his interactions with her face to face seemed amicable, similar to feixiao and yukong. for ships, i prefer interactions with a bit more intensity simmering under the surface that refers some shared history, secrets, or just blatant horny flirtation. i have no doubt jiaoqiu wants feixiao to heal, but i have not yet pieced together it is solely because of feixiao herself that he is willing to take every risk. there are a lot of things feixiao is besides a general he is fond of and friendly with, such as a foxian with moon rage. as of now i am more interested in their sociopolitical dynamic as two foxians working against the borisin interested in things that (might) involve breaking the rigid rules of another faction they feel they're subordinates to

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