Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

💜 · 9mo

Hi! I finished the love. series and how had I not read this before?! It’s beautiful, and incredibly hot; It’s been living in my head rent-free ever since I read it. There was someone in the comments who requested the story of how Chan and Minhee got together and I’d be interested in reading that as well, I loved the dynamic between them and I’m curious to know how they fell in love with each other (and, later, with Jisung). Only if you’re willing and inspired to write more of this AU, of course!

You write Chan and (male and female) Minho so well, you’re one of my favourite Minchan writers! Scratch that, you’re one of my favourite writers, period. You always strike a perfect balance between sex and feelings. I always look forward to your updates! ☺️ Thank you!

thank you so much. 💜 that series is really important to me and I would definitely love to write more in that AU, but I feel so fond of the first two installments, and I'm worried I won't be able to keep up the same energy for any attempts at writing more. 🥺 I can neither confirm nor deny any potential future updates though. 👀

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