Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Hikxaru · 4mo

Dear Reo,

I must say, it’s quite remarkable how you manage to stand out in a crowd. Not because of your charm, of course, but rather because of your... unique look. I’ve seen all sorts of things in my life, but your sense of style is truly something. Maybe it’s time to consider a new haircut or perhaps an entirely new face? Just a suggestion from a friend who cares deeply for your well-being—or at least, your appearance.

But don’t worry, Reo. Even with your, let’s say, “distinct” looks, there’s still hope for you. A little confidence can go a long way... maybe. In any case, I’ll always be here to remind you how incredibly “special” you are.

With all the love and sarcasm in the world,
Goro Akechi

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