Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Hikxaru · 4mo

Hey Reo,

I’ve been thinking, and I just had to tell you—your looks are truly… unforgettable. Not in the way you’d hope, but still, unforgettable! It’s almost impressive how you manage to rock that “unique” style. Have you considered auditioning for a horror movie? You’d definitely get the part!

But hey, don’t let it get you down. Everyone’s got their strengths. Some people are smart, some are talented, and then there’s you… just being your special self. Remember, there’s always someone out there who finds you... interesting. I just haven’t met them yet.

Keep shining in your own, “special” way!

Your friend,
Akira/ Ren

That's something that would go under the tags #akiren x reader #akirakurusu #renamamiya on tumblr ngl

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