Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 8d

if i may add onto that previous question, i also find it odd how people seem to have forgotten that people use fiction to cope, and oftentimes “proshippers” are people who were victims of the themes they’re exploring in media, in order to process and cope with trauma..? this used to be common knowledge on like, tumblr, iirc? but has really fallen out of the topic of conversation all together for some reason.. i suppose because it doesn’t fit the “perfect victim” narrative that people expect from trauma victims

I often see people say this but tbh i purposefully left it out of my response bc i don’t think anybody needs to meet any kind of arbitrary criteria to earn the right to not be harassed/censored. Not to mention if and how you’re traumatized isn’t anybody’s business, and people don’t need to put every messy corner of their psyche on display to appease strangers on the internet that are just looking for somewhere to direct their self-hatred anyway. It’s literally so easy not to be a cunt, but people with no real problems and nothing productive to stand for turn playing barbies into puritanical activism wars. Completely inane.

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