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shy guy · 2mo

hi! first of all sorry for my bad english :) and second, i just read homesick and… i have no words. i am so crazy about bmjn dynamics. it was hard to guess that bg was hiding like REAL feelings for yj and now that he knows, i hope their relationship will only become stronger and.. more reliable i think? but anyway i like this work, the style of writing is so cool! i will be waiting for updates but always take your time and rest more 😎

hello sweet anon<3 your english is great dw lovely ;-; thank you so much for giving homesick a chance, i know it's a bit more... niche? it's not for everyone i guess haha so it makes my heart so very warm that you'd not only read it but enjoy it enough to come talk to me about it??? and even like my style in it which is crazy to me!!
hmmm there were little hints since chap1 but i wanted it to be a surprise in the end bc im a big fan of plot twists so it's fun if i managed to surprise you a little :p
im done with my fest fic ive started chap5 and im really really really hoping i can post it this month (^v^)/

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