Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

moron · 7mo

hey sorry to break your dni but we feel like you have the right to know about what was happening, our statement : . We hope you guys are alright and just know that you are loved, appreciated and deserve to feel loved <3

Get out there bozo, supporting you from very very far <3 /pos /p

Dude thank you so much. Please know that I am not anything that Wuulf/Sam says whatsoever, nor did I consent to anything she told you that I did. Contacting me on discord would be much appreciated because I genuinely want to hear your guys' side of the story further and also share my experience with Wuulf/Sam. I deeply value all of your comfort and safety - even if we do not know each other that well. What Wuulf/Sam did was truly disgusting and I will never be able to forgive them for what they did.

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