little sick fuck Β· 3mo

hai i just wanted to say i love ur art so much... i originally saw ur durarara art from like 2021 ish and loved it then i just recently found u again drawing ADACHI ... unfortunately it was fated for him to be my persona 4 fave considering my fave chara of all time is izaya so... ya im jumping for joy whenever i see new adachi art from you<33333 whenever you open up comms i will be showing up in your dms to comm izaya art TRUST πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™β€β€β€

so mmuch love for a marly tonight wow. HI

yeahh i loved izaya to pieces too!!! durarara such a huge part of my life, really. i think it was a crucial event of my life growing up because of how much i fell in love with it. I was really. reaaaally possessed by that series. i wish i drew more fanart for it, but i didn't really know how to draw consistent fanart or feel comfortable drawing fandom art until This Year, i think... i wanna dedicate a lot of pieces to each thing that kinda changed my life, so hopefully my ADHD works me around in one big circle eventually.

it probably is funny how much i latched onto adachi this year though wow LOL johnny baby is possessing me too now. wahhhh thank you for the kind words though, if you ever show up in my dms for comms i'll be saur excited.. i hope you have an amazing night kyaaa.

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