little sick fuck · 2mo

This is just a lil appreciation anon but I love the way your draw Tohru Adachi and Yu Narukami. Both the serious art and the super cute art it’s just so scrumptious and silly. Truly captures the evil genius dumbass loser incel of Adachi and the soft charming Yu-ness where only he can pull off the bowl cut in an kpop boy way. I just love it so much. You’re in my top 3 adachi artist favorites and just in general your artstyle and way of drawing faces makes me so giddy and happy every time I see it. I ALSO HOPE YOU’RE HAVING A WONDERFUL DAY THX FOR BEING AN AMAZING ARTIST♥️♥️♥️

thank you anon lol i havent had so much fun drawing fanart before... i regret not dedicating more work to persona 4 earlier, but i also think i wasnt skilled enough to draw a lot of fanart until recently I AMM NOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW!!!. i genuinely appreciate this ask thoo sniff sniffle sniff sinfff sniff sniff i have more of those guys on the way :) thank you for the kindnessssssssssssss <3

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