little sick fuck · 2mo

Hi‼️ I just wanted to say that I LOVE your art and you are a major source of inspiration for me for horror/gore art. I’m not there in skill yet but seeing your stuff really inspires me and I get all giddy bc it’s so good + you give me ideas for my own stuff.. ty for sharing your art, it makes me realize that I can reach my goals if I try hard enough… and that feeling is incredibly freeing to me.
I hope you have a good day/night/etc. And keep on drawing what makes you happy‼️

anon this is the sweetest message ive ever got hehe.. thtthank you... honestly really got inspired from this message alone.. thank u for the confidence boost, its seriously so kind. glad ive inspired you waaaah~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ im cheering for you on your journey through art...!!! lets draw insanely self indulgent things.. together...

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