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oomf in hiding · 2mo

mingi as professor marmalade because he looked all sweet and innocent SmArT guy but behind the scenes, he's actually an (evil)mastermind. in the same sense(not the evil villain part tho), mingi is all pink princess clumsy little gf on the surface but he's also actually really smart and practical. he could be a businessman. he has his connections as an idol/celebrity/musician and KNOWS how to use those connections to his advantage. and the way he talks about economy and how to spend money? man in finance.

WAIT U ONTO SOMETHING THERE............. i hesitated on who i'd put as the professor bc i wanted to burn that fucker alive through the movie lmao (NO ONE SEPARATES MY FOUND FAMILY!!!) but i see ur vision yes 👀👀
also fun fact when i first had this idea i wrote down maybe hj was convinced to join the plan bc a former rival would get the award SO MNJCCNG FORMER RIVALS.......... i like that taste

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