anon · 3mo

it feels like a lot what was said around GI's 4.2 was a lot of wishful thinking, especially ppl who said that Furina was going to get "Archon treatment"
but now ~6 months later and:
.Nvlt got the rerun 4 patches later, and she isn't getting a rerun
.Furina isn't getting a 2nd Story Quest
.Furina(still!) isn't lorewise connected to and faces off either of the 2 Weekly Bosses in a quest
.the quest that unlocks the 2nd WeeklyBss doesn't even have Furina in it, but it has Nvlt for some reason.....
.Nvlt keeps showing up as the in every important lore drop + interaction

It's like she disappeared entirely

I’m sorry, I wish I could provide some meaningful commentary but I regret to inform you I haven’t even started Sumeru’s archon quest… I can’t say anything as to her importance and I don’t want to say anything incorrect 😭 Does it have anything to do with how her role in all this has finally come to an end? She’s still widely regarded. Even if her present arc has reached a standstill, there’s still much of her past to explore?

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