anon · 2mo

Damn you do not realize the US hates you for being Chinese and you think if you "i'm a good chink I hate myself" that will save you when you don't even want to admit most of the hate is because they think you're chinese. You're going to a camp if you don't realize this dumb bitch, think what happens in wartime.

...but I do know this! I understand that many people hate me just because I'm Chinese, and it's gotten worse as a result of COVID. my irls and I all understand that we're ripe for the picking by both governments if something happens! but it's no use worrying about that right now--what I can focus on instead is the present and working toward my own goals and happiness. I've been unlearning my internalised sinophobia, reconnecting with my roots, sharing what I love about my culture both on/offline, and doing my part in local politics.

I also believe your question dabbles in quite a bit of fearmongering. the internment camps of ww2 are a blight upon the history of the us, a horrible mistake that, frankly, with the presence of social media and a vocal youth who know how to leverage their platforms, has a very low chance of ever happening again, even in wartime. online, I see more people calling out sinophobia when they see it. offline, I see the rise of asian-american associations and clubs on campuses. hate will always exist in spades, but what matters is that love is also spreading simultaneously. it's good that we are becoming more aware and accepting of cultures unlike our own.

from this message alone, I can already see you're not very familiar with my account or with me as a person. I found your message more funny than anything, though, so thank you for the laugh. I also don't know why you think I'd hate myself for being Chinese nowadays; sure, I do hate myself for myriad reasons, but none of them have to do with being Chinese lol. on the off chance this message was posed in good faith, I hope my answer is sufficient. feel free to follow up in this inbox or dm me!

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