Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Perverts · 8mo

I got an anxiety attack today mid class. could you please say something to cheer me up? I Really need it :(

Of course! I don’t exactly know what to say or how to go about this
First thing; I really hope you’re feeling better now :( those can be so scary esp during class so I hope you’re alright and feeling better now.. I am very proud of you for getting through that!!
Secondly, it makes me really happy that you came to me for comfort almost(?) (at least that’s why I assume you sent this, it makes me very happy, thank you 🥺)
THIRDLYY okay maybe these can cheer you up…
I think that when Ricky and Gyuv playfully threaten eachother or try to beat eachother up its genuinely cuteness aggression bc the lil chemical in your brain that reacts to seeing something cute can combine with the anger chemicals which can make you feel aggressive or ‘angry’ which could be why gyubrik bicker SO much
I just think that’s a very cute observation
And I have like 8 cats and 2 bunnies…
Cause animals are cute
Sorry I’m so awkward, I hope you’re okay love 😞🩵

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