
23, pisces,
i write on ao3

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yap with me! ^^


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mochi · 11h

dearest b,
i hope this ask finds you well. i find myself thinking of how tirelessly youre working on publishing what will likely be the fic that haunts me in my waking hours. i think this one will fundamentally change me and revive my view on what it means to be in love and what it means to BE loved. please remember to take breaks and drink water. my cats and i are your biggest fans.

kind regards,

JHSJSHDJSHD the kind regards 😭😭😭 you really took me seriously.

my dearest mochi,
your ask found me well. i hope my reply will find you just as well. i have, unfortunately, been working tirelessly because i was stupid and have no time management skills whatsoever. I am happy, however, that you believe this fic will rewire you. it rewires me with every word i type because if i were loved the way they love each other i don't think i'd make it out alive skdjdskj. please also remember to take breaks and drink water as you edit the fic that will haunt ME in MY waking hours. jjunie and i say hi.

kind regards,

darlings >.< · 13h

not trying to put pressure on you, but when will you post the update approximately?? thank you in advance

well hello anon. depends what you're referring to because i've countless wips. i assume hellish valentine. it'll come in august?? i think? i have a fic to post on the 8th then a master's admission and then another fic at the end of july so those are my priorities. escape artist and valentine come after!!

darlings >.< · 3d

hello!! the yapping(actually pretty much adoring you) starts. ehm ehm.
i love your fictions/aus so much you have no idea really. the way you describe everything in every possible amazing way, the colour details, the academia, the band alternate universe(s), the way you italicize the words and this making the words more meaningful... the repetition... i love it. them. i love you and every piece of you that you put in your works. i (always) hope you to have a nice day/pleasant evening <3

omg >< i tweeted yap with me and then I forgot about it, but this whole time this sweet message was waiting for me dsjjsdj you're so SWEET!!!!! thank you so so so much writing is so special to me and something I've been cultivating for so long and it makes me so so happy to know that you enjoy reading it I'm sooo /pos. thank you!! i hope you'll like what I'll write next, too <3 ily2 and I also hope you have a nice day/pleasant evening <3

darlings >.< · 3d

Want vlnt gyu to leave vlnt and go solo soon

catcatcat · 3d

ilu and treasure you so much

darlings >.< · 5d

my beloved icarus bmjn 🥺 i miss them so much and can't wait for persephone, b!!! i hope you don't stress too much though :"( please make sure that you're hydrated and safe. luv u


hi >.< i'm so excited for persephone you have no idea!!! (I am stressing though but that's alright I always stress over fics before I post them). ily2 and you too!!!!!!!!!!!! it's always important to stay hydrated in summer !!!

darlings >.< · 7d

https://x.com/kkyuromiee/status/1806988136045543548?s=46&t=GTE_JCijCledMPnyyRjCPw it’s your story so the decision is solely yours, but me personally i’d be so on board tbh the only reason i’ve yet to read it is because of the mcd warning as i can’t stomach mcd at all but the plot is sooo intriguing to me i’ve always felt like i was missing out🥹

Hi!!! I understand mcd can be scary, even i get skittish with it sometimes. I just really REALLY thought of a cooler way to approach it (some sort of magical realism + somewhat reincarnation + barganing with the devil) and now I'm so obsessed with it i have no other option but to rewrite it shdhhd so i hope you'll like the rewrite 😭😭

darlings >.< · 10d

I just looove that your playlists' and their vibe which matchs with your fics (and the characters as well.) And them being for/about your fics in the first hand lol <33

Hehe thank you!! I even have an escape artist playlist that i haven't shared yet but i will in the future. I love making playlists 😭

darlings >.< · 11d

for gods sake i forgot to type it. this is y!! btw :(
sorryagain if itstoo much

also don't worry!!!!!! it's never too much <3 don't apologize. thank you for your kind words <3

darlings >.< · 11d
darlings >.< · 10d

best of luck with your writing!! you can do it!!

thank you i HAVE to do it there's no way I can miss the deadline for it so keep me in your thoughts anonie mwah

darlings >.< · 10d

Praying for the downfall of everyone in vlt except by bby be0m

djksakk FAIR but listen to me,,, yj deserves a little win too he fumbled bg so badly

darlings >.< · 10d

Mafia bmjn au Mafia bmjn au Mafia bmjn au Mafia bmjn au Mafia bmjn au dkcnfnfnjfjfjfnfnnfnfnfndnndjd

darlings >.< · 13d

you're the sweetest. like seeing you on tl or interacting with u >.<

That's so sweet my dear and I'm sure that when we interacted i felt the same way <3 i love talking to people so you can always come to me <3

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