Selvano Haefen
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Jethro · 1y

What movie or show do you keep rewatching?

Apaan ya gue nontonnya whos the murderer gue ulang ulang terus sampe otak gue bengek sendiri 😭

Jethro · 1y

If someone wrote a book about you, what would it be called?

Jethro · 1y

Do you believe in love at first sight?

I believe in issue of love alias aku enih lagi comsu? Cuman kalau ditanya percaya apa ngga, ngga juga sih karena belum pernah ngalamin.

Jethro · 1y


Jethro · 1y

What’s your favorite childhood memory?

Shooting di kota B!! It was fun karena sekalian jalan jalan walaupun sampai rumah langsung gempor

Jethro · 1y

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?

I would like go to sawah! Serius karena seru aja main lumpur sama mandiin sapi wkwk. Terus makannya ayam dan tahun goreng, sambel, sama lalapan. MEN LAPER

Jethro · 1y

What values are most important to you?

Honesty is the most important things for me. Also communication still in the top point.

Jethro · 1y

What do you need more of in your life?

Jethro · 1y

If you had a whole day where you could do anything you wanted, what would you do?

Jethro · 1y

Mampus gue tanya in English

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