cookie crumble · 4mo

saw you're getting into style... 🩷 my favorite UM UMMMM

what do you like about them!!! fav dynamic ??? FAV EPISODE ??? would you ever draw them.... AUUGUGHHHHH STYLE STANKY!!+!!

OH GOD OH GOD A STYLE ASK IM PANICKING ;;;; no dude legit style has taken over my life i wanna say since last year,,, maybe now coming up on 1.5 years.. OURRRGHH STYLE DISEASE I HAVE STANKY DISEASE!!! i rly dunno what happened i was just rewatching sp again like normal and suddenly my brain shifted and they're all i think abt now,,, RAHHHH

i really cant explain what it is abt them that makes me actually feel like im doing crack but it's just something about childhood best friends who are legit like everything to each other, attached at the hip, like idk theyre just fucking made for each other i can't explain it it makes me want to explode im not even joking. HERDSIGTHERI . i legit love everything about them, both together and also jus separately as characters too I COULD GO ON FOREVER I WONT SHUT UP IM SO SORRY RDFHGIOERDH its just so cute how they're always looking for each other, and taking care of one another, stan protects kyle and kyle protects stan, and idk IDKK I DIDKKDI IM SICK IM SICKKKKK

fav episodes.... god i have so many ,, but style related episodes i love the ep when kyle gets a hemorrhoid and hes so babie.. and stan is so worried about him OUUERUGIEHY, or the kidney episode.. THE GOATED FACEBOOK EPISODE w kyle begging at stans feet.... i think about him so often im so ill. when kyle goes away and stan writes his little song abt cars to get him back... GUITAR QUEERO!!!!?? THE LIST!!! RGRAHAHRFHASEH THERES SO MANY,,

random eps i rly like the imaginationland ones, obvi the peru episodes lmfao, the yaoi episode is a goat, TMI, scott tenorman, most butters episodes, the jlo one hahah, i love a lot of the early seasons too idk theres so many i should make a list one day... BUT YEAH I'VE DOODLED THEM A COUPLE TIMES POORLY... i still needa practice how i wanna draw them properly but i dooo i rly do wanna draw them loads ,, humbly offers my style up one day BUT AHHUUGHGH STYLE STYLE STYLE !!!!!!! if you have any fic recs pls.... lemme know 😳

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