Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon-chan · 2y

Hello alhaitham txt it's been a while but i was the last minute weapon grinder for the dendro boi's weapon and ehem i am hear to make an announcement that I lost on the mistsplitter banner to aquila favonia on 70 pity... HOWEVER two single pulls later, it turned gold again and would you believe it, it was the mistsplitter!!!! Lmao im so happy with my luck I wasn't really supposed to pull this patch bcs im saving for baizhu and im 50/50 but im getting so bored so that's it!! 👏👏

LMAO it has been a while yes but congratulations and thanks for checking in. mists should be okay for him too, and good luck with you future pulls. hope you get baizhu early (i'm pulling for the lovely doctor too) ✨️

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