Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous rabbit · 7mo

was chiikawa actually scary and evil or am i just autistic... it looks so cute and its SO POPULAR in my subculture and ive never seen any scary clips but i keep seeing people describe it as horror and idk whether its a joke or not 🙁 ill watch it either way but i wanna be prepared if its actually some gory psychological show or something

NO DW IT WAS A JOKE. chiikawa is very much aimed at young children so there's no gore or anything genuinely disturbing. chiikawa and their friends just frequently end up in situations that are, objectively, pretty frightening and stressful for them, and the world they live in is kinda Not Great. but to a viewer (especially an adult viewer) it's more funny than anything. there is maybe one episode that's a little creepy, but again, it's a one-off a horror episode aimed at kids so it's nothing like. nighmare-inducing. most of the episodes are very silly and lighthearted!

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