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Anonymous Coward · 1mo

you might've already answered but what brushes do you use for csp :)?

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

How would Cathay feel about Norris topping? :00

amused more than anything, i think ,,, cathal is a lazy lover but his ego demands he stay in control at all times

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

just wanted to say that every time i hear "girls just wanna have fun" i think of juliette :) just her breaking away from her parents' want to "preserve her innocence" and getting to embrace herself and her sexuality as a whole person makes me feel happy and whenever i hear that song i think about it!

i've sat on this message forever because i don't think i can communicate fully how sweet it is to hear!!! thank you so much !! i love media with strange protags getting encouraged/rewarded for being strange & im so glad her character resonated with you <3

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

when are you releasing the next book? I'm so excited for it!

thank you so much!!! The next book, The Howler's Captive, will be out mid-summer! 💕

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

!!! Ouu do Juliette’s ears get more pointed the more experienced with magic she got?

YES !!! using magic long term has transformative affects ,,, from this point on it'll be about 100 years until she shifts into that full swan form

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

So, like, what's the story on Reverse!Juliette and Reverse!Vicon?

Omg dont get me started ,,, thinking of human vicon as a wayward priest searching for purpose, being summoned by the swan who's picked him special for his devotion (and breedability)

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

juliette and vicon are the biggest case of "she's everything, he's just ken" i've ever seen.

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

I'm sorry for the kind of person I am, but I need to see Vicon and Juliette as gender bender or them as lesbians 🤕🤕

vlad · 6mo

hi! i noticed you sometimes draw what i assume is timeskip juliette with a ring of stars around her neck, what do they mean? no pressure to answer if it's a spoiler! i loved your book a lot :)

eee thank u so much! not a spoiler, it's a little personal lore detail so thank you for noticing !! the star icon shows up a lot in Vicons religious imagery as well ,,, it's like a visual short hand for the gift of magic !!

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Are Juliette parents aware she’s married/dating vicon?

They are aware that she accepts his invitation to apprentice with him, & of course they’re pleasantly baffled & very proud … but she has a sort of surface level relationship with them, and doesn’t often return home. As for her romance with Vicon, Juliette actually keeps the fact that they’re together contained to the Spire…very very few outside people know about it or how they met - many years down the line, the general public is aware of her as a member of the sorcerer’s court but nothing more.

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

omfg i read the entire story and i’m in love….juliette is just like me fr. i too think i could seduce a big handsome serpent man because i’m just so cute and devoted hehe. amazing writing & art 10/10. truly a win for the monsterfucker/femdom community…

GAAH thank you so so so much !! 😭😭😭 we've all been there ... im so obsessed with this man that im going to make him obsessed with MEEE

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

i had read the whole story with british accents for some reason…was there accents/locations in mind for the story’s setting? great work btw!

Aaa thank you so much !! I've also always imagined vague european accents too! posh english voices for the noble girls (maybe more cockney when they're alone) and an irish tilt for Juliette bc I think it's the cutest. Weirdly I never had anything really specific in mind for Vicon/the cultists...they're actually sort of california beach bum inspired so maybe just american LMAO

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Is there a way for me to know more about your characters cause I love them and I’m still fairly knew to following you 😭 I really take a liking to Juliette so I was just wondering!

Waah thank you so much!! I don't keep a toybox or anything like that, but the story she's in is pretty comprehensively all the currently available information! Her & Vicon will appear/be mentioned in other stories so I don't want to say too too much but feel free to always ask if you're wondering about anything specific!

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

What has been vicons favorite spell he’s taught to Juliette? And what’s her fav that she’s learned from him?

he’s very in tune with nature so getting to share animal communing magic is very fun I think ,,, hers is scrying for sure

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

I’ve noticed Juliette’s top really accentuate her chest. Does she ware them low to distract him or she’s just a hot girl and likes seeing her own cleavage :)?

its a little of both !! the first time her tits are really out its accidental ,,, but Juliette is nothing if not an opportunist . she’s feeling herself And getting whatever she wants out of it

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