Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

:) · 6mo

people’s incapability of detecting when the writers are putting in intentional “waifu” fanservice drives me crazy. hyv is fully capable of making events centered around women that don’t have extremely obvious fanservice with the traveller and have done it many times which is why it’s very obvious when they don’t bother to do that with certain female characters like nilou - she got no development in her own story quest and hasn’t been concentrated on in anything that mentions sumeru in over a year yet the first thing they have her do after making an appearance in so long is hug the traveller? i won’t spoil the leaks but she has so many lines in this quest and still doesn’t actually get to do anything or have a moment in the spotlight. fans acting like this is not allowed to be criticized is insane

yeah i agree honestly... ive just finished the third part of the quest and im just confused how people cannot see that hyv's writing team doesnt allow girls to do anything impactful in this story even though they're given all the screentime

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