Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

( ´ー`)? · 9mo

Manhwatwt general q: i thought of this funny association/question uwu

imagine you and your moots will be reincarnated/transmigrated to a manhwa: pick/choose your moots (wont give names again since diff user = diff moots) that will be reincarnated/transmig into a manhwa (you could tell which manhwa up to you) and give them their role plus who their partner will be (be silly or answer to your hearts content :P)

In this case rather than moots I would be going with my irl friends who pulled me into manhwas fjsmnsnsn the four of us will be the side character ladies talking smack about literally anyone at any given time or just gossip in general HSHSHSH I miss catching up with them

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