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anonymous · 3mo

I’m glad I’m not the only one who feel uncomfortable by “a little life” because the author herself mentioned she made a lot of decisions in the book to shock the audience and to get a strong reaction from reader. She also made an interview where she said she doesn’t think triggering warnings should be added to books and media
I remember how upset by the whole the thing but got attacked over it by book twt and the worst part is people who attacked me were straight people who fetishized gay men and I am an actual gay nonbinary person and the whole thing got brushed under the rug

Ben is my favorite bridgerton brother and I remember how upset I was when luke was part of that play I was so devastated like I don’t hate him over it and I know actors like emotional type of roles because they are challenging and good with critics & awards but still I hate it how he was associated with that and I always try to erase it from my mind

Sorry if I’m rambling but your tweet showed up to me and I wanted to qrt you to agree but benophie shippers are scary and I don’t want to get attacked but anyway sorry if I’m being a coward and sending you an anon instead of publicly agreeing but yeah I just wanted to say that agree about his choices for some of his plays especially that one despite I know why he did them

I'm sorry you feel like you can't speak up. but we can acknowledge luke doing that play was icky while still liking him.

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