Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous · 2mo

Need to get this out to probably the only person I have seen care about this besides me

Am I the only one weirded out by how some polin fans annoyed at the possibility of like working with Lucy hale & saying he should make better choices like Nicola when Nicola next project to film is an Islamphobe movie that paints Arabs and Muslims as terrorists 🫤

Not comparing I swear but it’s very hurtful to see as Syrian woman/fan that some other fans didn’t find anything wrong in her choice to accept that movie and they more annoyed about him possibly working with Lucy because they think Lucy isn’t a good actress or if the project might be a mess when it comes to writing like idk I got weirded out by that

Same thing happened when I saw some kanthony fans making fun of Jonny working with scarjo when Simone is working with Brad Pitt like again I am not comparing but I feel Simone fans are like Nicola fans keep gloss over the fact that their favs choices aren’t the best either
I would rather watch the dinosaurs movie and the a b-thriller movie over a movie produced by a domestic abuser or a movie that painting my people as terrorists

I really don't want to be the spokesperson on this 😭. I think Nicola, Simone, and Jonny have all made terrible choices in the people they choose to work with/projects they've chosen. I don't know anything about Luke N's project so I really don't know. also I didn't know lucy hale is supposedly problematic??

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