Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Meow-nyan! · 9mo

Can you stop trash-talking about me? You look like a people pleaser, which is funny. You were the one who said I was trash-talking about you, which I wasn't. Stop making a fool of yourself on your own account (even i don't care about this, and i'm not BEGGING to you to stop), we never existed, we never dated so stop calling me your ex. If you ask how I know, I saw your account on the timeline at my new account. Don't you have any other topics besides bringing me up all the time? You'd better curse in your private account instead of cluttering the timeline. Such a bad person, YOU.

then, go away? i'm not claiming myself as a good person too, aku jauh dari kata orang baik. tapi emangnya aku nggak boleh kah trashtalking orang kayak kamu di akunku sendiri? apakah menurutmu aku nggak boleh marah, nggak boleh kecewa, nggak boleh emosi atas apa yang kamu lakuin ke aku di saat-saat terakhir dulu? atas dasar apa kamu nyuruh-nyuruh aku buat mending tweet di private daripada di main acc? kalau emang kamu nggak peduli sama tweet-tweet aku, yaudah pergi aja. toh aku juga nggak peduli sama opinimu kayak gimana. i do what i want to do on my own account and no one can rule me except myself. jangan lupa buat blokir akun ini dari semua akun twittermu dan jangan kembali lagi.

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