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Army0308 · 1mo

En-kun! If Ure not an idol or producer what would you do? 😃

🪻: hmm... i probably would've kept studying for a bit longer... i did see myself in healthcare for sometime, so maybe something related to that field~

friend · 1mo

Why En kun love Keito so much?

🪻: i honestly have no idea... something about him really drew me in. both on stage and off, he's really good at captivating people... i clearly wasn't spared, haha~

Conan · 2mo

🌷: Ennn… I think Leo took some of Hasumi’s pens the last time we were all together… Do you recognize any of these?? I’d ask him myself but I’m afraid of being lectured on Leo’s behalf… again. (。╯︵╰。)

🪻: "hm? let me see... ah, that blue one i've seen him use.... it's the same brand of his usual go to pens too. i doubt he'll realize they've gone missing though, so don't worry~ i'll just replace em, so feel free to keep these! they're pretty good quality >:3"

Lil · 2mo

🌹: Nomu-senpai! Us Backyardiganz got a gig next weekend? Wouldja ditch ya paperwork for errrr looks at watch drawn onto wrist 3hrs? :3

🪻: LI TAN if i ever say no to ditching paper work for you, you'd better assume i got replaced or somethin'. I'LL BE THERE (don't tell keito though... he's already nagged me enough 😒)

Shion · 2mo

[🦋] what are your thoughts on Shion baking En a Keito themed cake for his birthday..

n: en would be incredibly joyous if shion were to do something like this (he'll absolutely make a show of eating the keito cake too bahahah)

friend · 2mo

Grape-san do you prefer salty or sweet snacks

🪻: definitely prefer sweets (recently got into coconut jelly because of a friend— highly recommend it~)

Riku Kamakura · 2mo

Hi there, En-san! How are you?

Conan · 2mo

:0 !! en what is your favorite color 2 see keito in… for scientific reasons _φ(。。)

🪻: colour i like for keito... hmm... i would say black or red suits him best...

luka :) · 2mo

what have you been up to today muusan ヾ(≧∇≦)ゞ !!

Tsukiyo Mochizuki · 2mo

🌙: Nomura-senpai, have you seen Hasumi-senpai recently? I need to meet up with him.

🪻: oh! tsukki chan hiyo hiyo~ if you're looking for keito, he should be in the practice rooms right now. want me to send over a message? 'm heading over in a bit to discuss some stuff anyways :3

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