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Anonymous Catto · 5d

hay hayden u gamteng spreti jeno

Anonymous Catto · 7d

Hey Hayden! I wanted to let you know I find you really cool. Completely respect your boundaries, but would it be alright if I admired you from afar? I think I'm kind of crushing on you! ~ 🦙

Hello whoever you are! Honestly I don't know how to respond this kind of message. Thanks a lot, that’s super sweet of you. You may do whatever you want including crushing on me, but please don't have any expectations from me, if that makes sense.

Anonymous Catto · 28d

Suka makan congkak ga?

Suka. Suka banget! 🥰❤️✨ Paling suka congkak warna putih, rasa original, ada asin-asinnya. Rasanya gurih dan kriuk-kriuk. Tapi gak boleh keseringan makan... Nanti batuk makan gorengan terus. 🥺

Zishan. · 28d

Haydemn, sok iya banget deh lu mau punya hts 100. Mau nyaingin Soekarno y, Soekarno aja gak punya bini sampai 100 tsay.

ayum · 28d

kamu suka nonton film apa?

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