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Anon · 11mo

What are Gale's husband's like? I see them, but I don't know much about them! :O

Gale's first Husband was a gambling pro who was easy-going and loving but had a bad sense of direction! He disappeared post-ARR and was never found... u-u

As for Momo, he's my wife's WOL and they've described him as very silly, extremely doting, and head-over-heels for Gale! He also has a green thumb and likes to cook and hang around outside and in nature! While making him, my Wife said they were thinking of Gladio FF15 and Sora Kingdom Hearts (Even if theyre not quite the same in personality!)

Dai, despite being an amnesiac, is always bubbly and has big dog energy!! He loves small animals and sparring with fc mates and Momo (Gale too, but their size diff has lead to many accidental trips to the first aid room LOL)! He is @weiyi_swy's WOL on twit so u can also find out more about him, there! c:

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