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Salad / quinyarei · 10mo

jade leech seems like he would have a lot of scars that he would not really let show often but he doesn’t mind too much if someone does see them. like he actively doesn't go out of his way to hide them. but i can see him like passively disliking his scars, and he prefers covering himself more because of that unconsciously. i feel like he has a bunch on his back, and a couple bad ones on his hands. he will usually use magic or gloves to cover them, unless he's like sleeping or not expecting company who isn't azul or floyd, since they know were most of jade's scars came from, or won't ask about them.

but, if you manage to spot one of his scars and ask about it, jade would either deflect it or would say something super exaggerated that sounds half-plausible and half fake. and he would say it in the way that you can't really tell if he's making it up or not, because he has that amused glint in his eye and he speaks like he's regaling some tale that he's read in some book before

and jade is only lying half of the time--he has gotten up to some absolutely ridiculous shit before (that was only enabled by floyd, and azul got dragged into it), but some other things were actual injures.

floyd also does the same thing in a slightly different flavor, except he'll talk about some scar that he got doing something that he thought was cool and not mention the ones that he genuinely was hurt from, because neither of them particularly like being seen (especially by strangers or people that they don't know well) as genuinely vulnerable.

jade has a lot of scars from things that happened when he was still getting adjusted to his human body, like the one time his knife slipped and he ended up skinning his whole pinkie while he was trying to figure out how to cook.

floyd has definitely broken his legs multiple times, either from trying to do some crazy parkour stunt while he was still adjusting to having legs after he saw a video on it and suddenly he's backflipping off of a 10 foot tall pole trying to land on a tiny ass trampoline and missing it badly, shattering the bone and he ends up with a lot of compound factures.

he had a lot of nasty injures that he aggravates by running around despite his leg being broken. he just can't make himself stand still, because it was so boring. and it was all fun and games until his leg ended up healing crookedly because of that, and he gets a malunion in his lower leg. so floyd decides that the best thing to do was break the leg AGAIN so it would heal properly, using a similar tactic as the last time.

floyd climbs up four stories and then aims his crooked leg downward and then jumps out, making sure that his leg is the first thing that hits the ground, an audible crunch signaling that floyd had suceeded in his mission. and he immeditaely flops over to the ground, calling jade to make him call 119 for floyd,

i also feel like jade got hit by a car before. like, he was walking outside of his, azul and floyd's dorm where they were staying while the getting used to having a human body program thing was happening, and he had stepped outside to look around. just out of curiosity, and to practice using his legs.

he didn't realize that he was standing in the middle of the road, because the streetlights were off, and he didn't properly react to the slowly getting louder noise that was heading toward him. and the car also had its lights off, so jade didn't have proper time to react before he got hit by it.

and he finds himself being thrown backward--because the car didn't run im over, but it had slammed into his shoulder and jade feels the world tilt and he's suddenly pressed flat against the road. everything feels like it's ringing and all jade can hear is a high pitched noise in his ears as he tries to get back up.

he doesn't even register that something had broken until he tries to apply pressure to his arm, but it folds the second that he does, and his cheek is against the cold road again.

jade eventually manages to drag himself back to the shared dorm, like literally pulling his body across the ground with one arm because his other was broken and he couldn't put any sort of pressure on it. and he's slowly feeling his clothes getting more and more sticky and wet from the blood that he's loosing, until the fabric is uncomfortable against is skin.

and he knocks on the door, barely mustering the strength to be able to do so, and the only reason he was heard and then found was because floyd was standing near the door, about to open it to find jade and ask him where the pickle sauce was.

floyd is like ... ?? hey jade, why are ya on the ground for ? and then azul had turned on the lights from behind him (he was figuring out how light switches properly worked) and then they both actually spot jade--on the ground, his arm bend at a sickening angle, bleeding so much that his jacket was stained red and they both freak out and azul grabs his phone to call an ambulance and they both ask jade what the hell happened during the ride, until the medical professional shushes them.

and the doctors later tell them that if they were any later, then jade would have probably bled out and then died, and they both nag jade about it so much that for a good while later, they don't let him cross any roads without one of them going first.

now, they all have this sort of inside joke that spawned from floyd and azul constantly telling jade to check both sides of the street before crossing it, and jade himself doesn't remember the incident that well, but he remembers that it happened, since floyd and azul wouldn't shut up about it for a long while.

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