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Inquisitive Shadow · 1mo

I don't have retrospring but I'm here to drop myself! Please be happy as always, Mas Heimdale! — Lady Kiara.

Cassie · 1mo

Can you please recommend me some songs, Heim? Thank you!

🎀 · 2 answers · 1mo

Thoughts on me? (fomo)

If you were a song, you would definitely be 'Teka-Teki' by Raisa. Sometimes I don't know what's going on inside your mind (not that I've tried to read through you), but it's fun to be around you.

Isaaaaa · 13 answers · 1mo

If you and I were going on a movie date night and I tell you to pick whatever movie you want us to watch, what movie would you choose?

Isaaaaa · 11 answers · 2mo

Friends! Can I get some sexy and sensual songs recommendations for the hot steamy session, please? Preferably songs in English. Thanks. ☺️

Inquisitive Shadow · 2mo

Hello hello, Heimdale! Just wanna tell a fun fact here: `drum rolls. I'm having a crush on you! Have a sweet day, no— I hope you always find sweetness and nice moment in every day. Have delicious meals with someone you adore and smile! Because it really looks good on you. Oh I'm not even in your mutual list, but I just saw your tweet and get attracted??? It's weird. Anyway, if you have someone in your mind, please tell me so I can stay away ya!

It took me a lot of time to reply to this, what a surprising message to receive! Thanks for saying so, I'm flattered and appreciate your honesty. If you'd like to chat more and get to know each other, I'm open to it. Though the day is coming to an end I'd like to wish for the rest of the day to be filled with smiles as well!

Inquisitive Shadow · 2mo

What's your favourite position Dale ?

Leo · 2mo

If God or religion never found, who will you worship or believe?

Leo · 2mo

Thoughts on me?

You are definitely a chatterbox, I always see you around from morning to night and it's easy to befriend you as you like to reply to anyone posts. I don't find you mysterious though, maybe a bit dark because of the contents you like to post.

EVE. · 11 answers · 2mo

Since I have seen love sprout here and there, please tell your ideal type/what you're looking for in a romatic partner. I mean, it would be great if this question could serve as a matchmaking area.

I always like someone who is bubbly and talkative because I listen a lot. Also, someone who can understand me.

Inquisitive Shadow · 2mo

if you have a lover, i bet your love language is groping your lover's ass

Frankly speaking, my love language is quality time, meaning I'll cherish moments with her every single day, including groping her ass.

EVE. · 2mo

Hello, do you mind telling your thoughts on me? I'd be happy to know it! (pretty please)

You are friendly and talkative, always reaching out to others, which makes you approachable. However, your flirtatious nature leaves me unsure if you genuinely want to talk privately or if you're just being playful.

Cassie · 2mo

Thought about cassie! But we never talk properly though but still wanna ask. Hehe

I didn't know what to say about you, but it seems like you are fun to talk with, and also you seem like you can give good advice.

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