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cabeman hunder · 8d

Pity, I seriously recommend BA's Main storyline, it is my second favorite story of all, only surpased by FGO. I'll be sure to hit you with any ideas I get about Mari in particular, though I quite like Himari myself .

cabeman hunder · 8d

Hey, I would love to send you ideas for Blue Archive stories from time to time, but I want to know how much you know about it first, mostly to not send ideas about characters you might not know and the like. Could you absolve me of my doubts pretty please?

you're absolutely right, i know little to nothing about BA. i've watched the relationship/event stories for some of the girls, but none of the main story. i even failed to watch the anime cus of amazon's fuckery... if you have a mari idea hit me because she's a goddess but otherwise idk

cabeman hunder · 2mo

Could you please elaborate more about your most recent story? I want to know more about what Selka had and what a Synnesia is.

bro if i knew myself i would tell you. one important thing to note is that selka has NOT been 'bodysnatched'. the girl known as 'selka' is a homunculus human body created by the synnesians with the express intent of infiltrating human society - which she did a little too well...

cabeman hunder · 3mo

Shin/dere fic spotted! Thank you so much! Your original settings are so good! I want to see how Dolly x Princess could continue, I want to see more of Yuki's adventures in shin/dere and more of those lobotomized blobs of agressiveness you have written lately!

loboblobo... maybe thats something... thank u, at this point everything on my tunglr is just me spitballing and writing in vr to waste time at work. For DXP whats on tumblr is the first half of a fic im scheming. shin/dere is pretty much just 'the stuckage/clothes malfunction' cinematic universe at this point

cabeman hunder · 3mo

thanks for doing a few fics for manga series, those are very hard to come by, especially good ones!! I actually don't have any questions just wanted to say you rock but since im here, any other manga-only series you plan to do fics for or it just happens spontaneously ?

usually it's pretty off the cuff yeah, but for SURE my next yurinational fic is going to be sheep princess. that shit is yuri cocaine.

cabeman hunder · 3mo

The only issue I have with your writing is that it always leaves me wanting more.

use your brain to imagine more because im not doing it for you. i have too many ideas to spend time writing 500 shiori fics (writes them anyway)

cabeman hunder · 4mo

Would you be willing to write more of your shin dere OCs, that's one of my favorite reads from you.

Holy shit thank you so much for liking shin/dere! I have a ton planned for them, especially now that I've plotted out their narrative. I'll absolutely write something more, I'm super pleased to hear that someone even read that short.

cabeman hunder · 4mo

Interesting. How low would you say The Optimal Belly should hang?

cabeman hunder · 4mo

What would you say is your favorite belly?

optimal belly is smooth, foldless. it sags down a short way like a tube, smooth and soft, then blossoms out into a gigantic circle of meat.

cabeman hunder · 4mo

What would you say is your favorite fic you've done?

tough question. Mercy for the Machine has a lot of things i've been umm'ing and aah'ing over for a while, so I'm super pleased it came out well. Obedience and Obesity is super fun, even if I feel it's stiff in places. Of course, How Do You Stop? has tons of great, hedonistic character writing; no surprise it's my most popular fic. Senpai's Special Lesson is a classic with KILLER dialogue, too.

cabeman hunder · 4mo

Ruikasa if you do guys 🥺👉👈

I hope you're proud of yourself. If you had asked for toya maybe you would've had a chance.

cabeman hunder · 7mo

is it bad I want to read about a fat airi getting her bellybutton licked by a fat haruka

evil is all about perspective. airi is too busy cumming to consider such difficult topics though

cabeman hunder · 7mo

Do you like the fat foldy belly tech tree or the round belly tech tree more?

impossible to decide. the belly fold is fun for fondling and jiggling but the single belly-orb is good for rubbing and slapping. unstoppable force vs immovable object.

cabeman hunder · 7mo

Do you ever look at a stack of pancakes and think "Mm yes this is idol shaped"

hmm not really, usually i do all my shape-conceptualisation while im actually writing. if i saw a stack of thick, slathered-up pancakes myself, first i would think yummy, then i would think fuck an shiraishi should be deepthroating this fucking heart attack stack this instant

cabeman hunder · 8mo

Do you prefer fatty catgirls or catty fatgirls

this ones really hard... i think for me, i like fatty catgirls more. i want my girl to roll onto her back and let me rub her chin and her belly and feed and pamper her. but for my WRITING, definitely catty fatgirls. its so much easier, and so much fun, to write about mean spiteful girls getting/being obese and fighting amongst themselves. thank you anon this really made me think.

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