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Of weight in fat they gain you big dummy >:( Not to be confused with big tummy >:(
So grumpy anon. Fear of big tummy will forbid you entrance to the pearly gates. (also use my strawpage now because it's funny)
Did you know? 1 liter of Valentine's chocolate has about 7700 calories in it, which is enough for an anime girl to gain 1 kilogram of weight. Isn't that romantic?
isnt a liter 1 kilo in water weight? i suppose there are lots of math that go into this but i think it'd be more efficient to pour molten lead down her throat. i hear fissile material is pretty heavy too.
C-Could you call me a foolish anon one more time p-please...
baka anon! baka baka baka anon! hontouni baka deshouka?! anon! ahoka?
Oh wait I thought the desperate countdown was because the website shuts down in february but we are still here just to stuffer
Yes it dieses on March 1st foolish anon.
GG it was a good run
Yeah that 4x multiplier from the fungu fruit really came in clutch but the run is over...
Tysm for feeding fat yurination, we will survive the winter now…
i have a secret stash im not telling anyone about... but in a few days i will once my fingers recover...
Shizuku loves to spoil Shiho, regardless of whether Shiho wants to be spoiled or not. However, thanks to Shizuku’s spoiling, she’s grown to the point where she’s too large to refuse anything Shizuku wants, and all Shizuku wants is to dote on her and see her grow more.
Can we ask for some mutual Minori x Haruka ⁉️
"One hundred and twenty two kilos..." Kiritani Haruka smiled as she ogled her freshly-fattened belly, stepping off the scales she'd just been torturing, as if she'd decided to grant it some mercy. Nude, save for a too-small tank top, Haruka poked curiously at the roll of fat hanging out of it. Her belly was so rotund and thick that her belly was beginning to look like it was stuffed with cream; so heavy at the bottom, and oozing outwards even further.
"O-One hundred and...?" Hanasato Minori gulped, gasped and fell to the floor. "H-Haruka-chan..." Wearing little more than a dressing gown, Minori's own fat body drooped with flab, her butt distinctly poking out of the fluffy fabric. "N-No way..." She mumbled, almost besides herself with tears.
"Minori?!" Haruka gasped, hurrying over to her girlfriend's side as if she'd forgotten entirely about her big belly. She patted the poor girl on the back immediately, hopping down to her knees so that she could see into Minori's plump face. "What's wrong?" Haruka blushed as she realised she was rubbing her tummy; it'd become a habit, recently.
"Haruka-chan is..." Minori gabbled, slowly sitting back up and poking at her own fat gut. She'd eaten so much lately that it honestly surprised her; idols could be so greedy when they wanted. Minori had glutted and gorged herself, so much that her thighs looked twice as wide as they used to be, and her butt was closer to overripe bakery buns than an idol's proper waistline. "Haruka-chan is f-fatter than me..." She spluttered, hugging her girlfriend close so their tummies could rub against eachother's.
"Fatter?" Haruka laughed, relieved that Minori was just doing normal Minori things, and not actually worrying about anything. "I-I suppose...!" She giggled as she wrapped her own hands around Minori's waist, taking the time to ogle the girl's butt with her fingertips. Haruka purred as she felt Minori groping her, too; her fingers finding the freshly-made folds in Haruka's tummy, and rubbing the roll of fat she was so-graciously developing. "I-I'm huge!" She giggled, finding she was more ticklish in those places than she'd expected.
Kisaki too fat for disguising properly
You whimper as Ryuuge Kisaki mounts you; all three-hundred kilos of her. "K-Kisaki!!" Gasping for air, and for any space at all, you bite your lip as the gigantic half-pint simply sloshes onto you.
"What's wrong?" Kisaki smirks, knowing precisely what's wrong, but choose not to act on it in the slightest. "Miss sensei? You're making an awful face..." She giggles, rocking back and forth on a pair of knees that may already be obliterated.
In a few seconds, Kisaki's tummy fills your lap. Oozing flesh fills just about everything. Barely clothed in the blackish top of her fake Gehenna uniform, Kisaki preens as the buttons of your own shirt clip against the overexerted buttons of her skimpy blouse. They're so impossibly tight that they've all passed the point of no return; coming undone — without just bursting apart — would need the shirt to become even tighter, first. Just by having her belly slosh against your flatness, you feel ten times fatter, as if she's fattened you up through osmosis alone.
"Come on," Kisaki's fat cheeks wobble as she laughs in your face again. "Isn't sensei supposed to be able to handle her students?" She teases, rubbing the back of her belly so that it squishes even harder against you. "Even... Big ones, like me?"
"M-Maybe..." That's all you can manage, still sweating as Kisaki's seductiveness absorbs you. Slowly, gingerly, you reach up to poke at her flab, stroking the thick meat engulfing you. "Just... S-Slow...!" With one last squeak of desperation, you decide that this isn't too bad, as long as you can touch Kisaki's obese belly.
"Miss sensei," Kisaki repeats, breathing in slowly and looking down at the intensifying tightness of her buttons. Each one digs into her fat, leaving little indents as the tummy around them expands. "Slowly then." She sings, bloating up until she looks like she could fill an entire bed. Regardless, the formerly-tiny girl fills your entire view. Even her chest, blubbery but still humiliatingly flat, begins to eclipse the room's light. Kisaki is everything.
You can hardly even manage words anymore. You just squeal your approval of Kisaki's size, touching feverishly at the remnants of her shirt. One of the lower-most buttons burst, and even more flesh falls out of it, drooping doughily until it strokes you, all the way between your legs. This, above all things, manages to eke something out of you. "K-Kisaki!!" You howl the girl's name as her smug smile becomes the only thing you can see, save for so much meat.
"There we go," Kisaki licks her lips as you moan and groan, still sloshing back and forth with enough pride to squash anyone into pulp. "Miss sensei, you really love this outfit, don't you?" Poking at her Gehenna uniform, and the failing buttons dotting her shirt, Kisaki mewls with satisfaction. "Sorry I couldn't fit into the skirt~"
sorry king but i cant draw also retrospring doesnt have art tools on desktop at least
"Mother has to be... Somewhere here, right?" Lillie was sure she'd tried. Sure, she'd spent most of her time 'trying' in Alolan restaurants and outfitters, but she'd at least tried to find her mother. "Mother?!" She called out, then picked at her dress to try and let out some of the air stifling under it's sweaty embrace. "M-Maybe I did eat too much..." Cradling her belly in her hands, Lillie gawked at the fact that it could fill up her palms without a problem, and still spill out of them. Even with her plump hands trying to hold as much tummy-fat as they could, Lillie's smooth, fat belly still looked like an entire waterfall of flab.
What if her mother had squeezed into some hole, or through some crack that this fat Lillie couldn't manage her way through? She'd have to get help... Lillie shivered as she imagined begging her feeder to make the trip through this hellscape, just to find a mother that Lillie herself wasn't even sure she wanted to find. "S-So big..." She squeaked, hoping none of the pokémon on this side of the rift had heard her. She hadn't even seen a single normal thing in hours. No caterpie, no yungoos, and not even any masaladas... "Stop thinking about food!" Lillie smacked her cheeks lightly, but shied away from them once she remembered how much they jiggled. If only there was a pokémon that could help her snorlax-sized body...
Bloo-oop! From around the corner, there was an unmistakeable noise. Blu-up! The noise gargled away, careless of just how horrifying it sounded. First, came it's fingers. Round, pale tufts, that made each of the thing's hands look like winter hats. Spindly, dangerous-looking arms came next, like wires full of electricity. The whole shape seemed to shake and groove at every interval, as if it wasn't sure what shape it wanted to take.
"Eep!" Forgetting entirely about her own woes, Lillie just leapt for cover. Whatever this was, this was the first pokémon that the poor plumper had met in this world. "D-Don't find me..." She whimpered, picturing those spindly, wiry limbs wrapping around her fat body.
Glor-rop! The odd pokémon changed it's tune, all of a sudden. It continued to shift about nonetheless, but it wasn't humming, or simmering, or even bubbling. Just standing there, bored as ever. Bla-ahp!! It beeped, one last time, and then proceeded forwards, harmlessly shuffling its body about in such an expressive fashion. Like a clown, it shook from side-to-side, practically taunting Lillie with the fact that this foreign beast was infinitely slimmer than her. After all, there were no masaladas, where it came from...
Rika’s oblivious nature causes her to balloon into a half-ton land whale, though Tsubaki doesn’t seem to mind; in fact, she can barely think of anything besides wanting to make Rika bigger…
Aoyagi Tsubaki had had it all planned out; she would marry her girlfriend, adopt some kinds, and become successful and well-liked in her community. She had it all planned out — until she met Seto Rika.
"Shuubaki!" Rika, drunk on what could only be an infinite supply of booze, jiggled her belly at her childhood friend as she tried to walk past her. "Come on, shuuba! You gotta join ush!" She heaved, slurping down another mouthful of beer — getting drunker, and inevitably, fatter. With how much that woman weighed, it was honestly a surprise she could ever get drunk; she probably had enough mass to fill an entire tanker.
"No... No..." Tsubaki tried her best to lock in, but Rika wasn't having it. With another coo from across the bar, her determination wavered, just a bit. "No!" Tsubaki heaved, feeling the substance of her plans sift through her fingers, like the sand they'd always been
"Caman!" Rika gigled, slapping her half-ton body like she was a cowboy riding an especially rowdy ride. "Get offuh here!" She winked, as if she knew, and then leaned across her obese width to gobble up a platter of chicken from one of her half-dozen attendees.
Like Rika was some kind of infernal siren, Tsubaki felt herself being swept in. Dragged in, and trapped under a truly gigantic gut. "R-Rika?!" She wept, as Rika's belly sloshed, once again, full of booze, and fatter by the minute.
"Shubaggii!" Rika nodded as she felt the front of her belly being felt up. Jiggling about inside of her water-balloon of a blobby body, Rika chuckled as she gobbled up another smattering of snacks. "Letsh... Partyy!" She gasped, throwing her fatness into Tsubaki's face.
Merm4id might've been long gone, but Rika was never going to be done. She would jive, shake and dance around, no matter how fat she got. Even if everyone abandoned her, she'd keep eating, drinking and dancing. After all, she knew that a certain girl, who was currently a foot-deep in her fat, would never say no to a chance to get nice and close to a whale like her.
send me a prompt about fat lillie meeting blacephalon and ill write it i promise
Please take a shower immediately
I showered this morning though
who's herja
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