Wild Tomato · 10mo

Hi I just need to vent and I guess some help.

So about a year ago I commissioned Rey that cost 100 dollars. And a few months later she stopped posting and stopped texting me back. I tried email her but she’s not responding either. So now her Twitter account doesn’t exist! So I really don’t know what to do. I feel like Ray just scammed and took my money. So now I have trust issues about artists just taking my money and not giving me what I paid for. I feel so stupid and sad because I loved Ray’s work.

Hi! I'm sorry that happened. I don't remember the last time I talked to her. I think it was ever since she stopped coming to twitter. Not sure how I can help but I'll try to ask around if they talked to her recently.

And sorry for the late response, I don't open my retrospring that much and I'm not that active in my twitter account now either.

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