✿   Aceq β€‚β€‚β€‚βš€    Zuraq β€‚βœ¦    Β· 1mo

Ok SO OMFGG Those 2 are so in love?? Ik when Ace and Sanji first saw each other they felt shit fr...Ik Ace was begging Luffy to take Sanji with him bro they were FATED to meet. As I said before Sanji does wear Ace's hat from time to time and Ace loves Sanji when he does that. Ace loves cuddles && is very clingy so he probably bothers Sanji when he's cooking HELP. Ik Ace and Sanji talk over the Den Den Mushi A LOT probably when Ace is with his crew or looking for Blackbeard (In my mind Ace isn't dead and he survives I am not accepting the truth..) Ace gives a lot of affection to Sanji, and WHAT I THINK IS ALSO CUTE IS Zosan && Acesan together Zoro & Ace fighting over Sanji is really silly and cute!! AHHH I LOVE ACESAN SMM WNDNWNKWDBWDOINWDWOINWKDWDKKWNDWD

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