Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

lovebug, · 7mo

Hey, Mio. I’ve noticed you’ve been feeling unwell lately. Whatever it is, I know it’s hard for you. The fact that you can still stand firm here like this makes me proud of you. You can be sad for a moment, but don’t get too caught up in the sadness. You are not alone, and I am here to give you joy.

huh? i mean, hello! first of all.. i’m sorry that my negativity has been caught by your eyesight. i really didn’t mean to look doomed all the time too but thank you for coming and saying those words to me! i promise i will be okay as i’m planning on trying my best to be okay. :] i think it starts to work, although i’m not sure.. relapsing is a funny thing, you know! but may i know who this is? sometimes curiosity kills the cat but it’s okay since cats have nine lives, right? take this as an action to know what kind of joy you’re about to give me! thank you so much once again, the sweetest. ‹3

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